Wednesday, June 27, 2012

From the Depths - online zine

Haunted Waters Press is seeking submissions for the fall issue of their online zine, "From the Depths".  The theme is "Horror:  Dark and Dreadful", deadline is August 31.  Also with the same deadline is their Penny Fiction Flash Fiction Competition.  Here they're seeking flash of exactly 13 words with the theme of horror, supernatural, or suspersition.  Both of these calls are non-paying.  If you click on From the Depths at the top of the page you'll find back issues of their zine so you can get a feel for what they're looking for.  You'll also need to click on Guidelines for their formatting and copyright requirements.


Manuel Royal said...

Those flash thingies can be a good exercise; forces you to present just the core of an idea. Couple of times, I've done one of those and later expanded it into a useable short story.

sandra seamans said...

Flash is a great way to get a handle on a story, Manuel. I've used them to work out characters and how they'll react in different situations. Makes it easier to take that character into a larger story.