Thursday, December 31, 2009

Glancing Back, Moving Forward

Looking back over 2009 I realized that I had a pretty great year writing wise. I did a lot of writing, even started that elusive novel which will probably wind up being a novelette as I'm already closing in on the ending after five chapters. I didn't submit as many stories this year as last but still had about twenty published among the racked up rejections. "Cold Rifts" was nominated for a Spinetingler Award. Several of my shorts were reviewed which was pretty cool and I did an interview over at BSC about short stories. All and all, a good year.

The blog has found its footing which makes for a fun day when I post. And I'm so grateful to all of you who have dropped by to say hello and share your wisdom and market news. But most of all, it's so wonderful to see how many people love short stories in all the genres. Long live shorts!

I haven't made a list of resolutions this year but I did do a rift on the Serenity Prayer.

The Writer's Serenity Prayer

Muse, grant me the serenity to accept rejection as part of the writing process.

The courage to rewrite and resend those rejected stories.

And the wisdom to know when to file it in a drawer.

And lastly a link

Dream big, my friends, and write well with great success in 2010! Happy New Year!


David Cranmer said...

Happy New Year! And best of continuing success in 2010.

Charles Gramlich said...

congrats on the sucesses. Naturally when you're doing a novel you'll slow down in writing stories.

Conda Douglas said...

Sandra, I adore your rift on the Serenity Prayer, excellent! And congratulations on your successes of 2009, may there be many more in 2010.

sandra seamans said...

Thanks, David, and the same to you and yours.

The bit of novel I wrote did slow me down, Charles, but I also made a conscience effort to slow down my writing. This year I started writing longer stories and taking a more time with the editing process. It's resulted in much better stories, at least I think so. :)

I'm glad you liked it, Conda. I was having a bit of fun playing with it.