Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fantastic Stories of the Imagination - New Market

Fantastic Stories of the Imagination is a new online zine that publishes Science Fiction and Fantasy stories of any length.  Pay here is 15cents a word with a max of $500.  They also accept reprints and pay a flat fee of $25 for those.  There is an issue up now so you can read the stories and get a feel for what the editor is looking for.  You can find all the details here.

Hat tip to Coffintree Hill!


Manuel Royal said...

That's quite an extraordinary word rate. Makes me wonder if I could possibly write something that would be accepted.

sandra seamans said...

Yes, it is, Manuel. I read his editorial for this issue and he's been planning this project for a while so I expect he's set aside the funds to be able to do this.

Manuel Royal said...

Sent a piece; got a rejection in just four days. That's an impressively fast turnaround.

sandra seamans said...

It certainly is. I've had a story out to an anthology call since May and still haven't heard back (sigh).

Manuel Royal said...

I can handle rejection just fine; waiting and waiting is worse. Come to think of it, I've had a radio script out for ... let's see ... seven and a half months, with no reply or acknowledgement. And that's to a non-paying market. (If you know of a paying market that accepts unsolicited radio scripts, I'd love to hear about it.)

sandra seamans said...

Haven't run across one lately, Manuel, but I'll keep my eyes open for one.