Friday, January 13, 2012

Commas, Apostrophes, etc.

Dan Waddell has an interesting post about grammar at the Murder is Everywhere blog


pattinase (abbott) said...

I would love to send that to a fellow in my writing group who regards the grammar as more important than the story.

sandra seamans said...

There's a lot of people out there like that. I think he's nailed it though, about people of our generation having the rules pounded into our heads. I spend a lot of time trying to make sure all my commas are in the right places and I still miss some. :)

Katherine Tomlinson said...

And then there's the OXFORD comma. I edit using both Chicago Manual of Style and AP and that extra comma is what always makes me crazy.

sandra seamans said...

Yep, it's bad enough we've got the rules, but then they go and change them and there you are not knowing which way to go!

Ron Scheer said...

Not sure we need another rant about ranting, but OK, it made me smile because in the middle of it I recalled Henry Higgins' line, "The French don't care what they do actually, as long as they pronounce it properly."

sandra seamans said...

Yeah, rants aren't great, but sometimes you discover something you didn't know hidden in those rants. Love the Henry Higgins' line. I guess we've all got our little quirks.

Anita Page said...

On the subject of grammar,I thought you might be interested in this post about Dan Persinger's book, Writers' Devils. It's a nice collection of essays on grammar specifically for fiction writers. The book's for sale at Amazon, but, typical of Dan, he'll give away a copy to anyone who commits to performing a random act of kindness. Here's the link: