Thursday, September 29, 2011

Speaking of Horror

Speaking of horror I found a link to this site over at Hell Notes, it's called Horror Writing This is a fairly new blog with tips and advice for those who write in the horror genre.

One post lists the five short stories every horror writer should read A link there will take you to Horror Masters to find the stories, but at that site I found a lovely link to their horror library It's amazing how many shades of horror there are! Many of them a lovely fit for crime stories.


Stephen D. Rogers said...

Hey Sandra,

I'm 3 for 5.

And, yes, there are so many shades of horror that while there are bunches of markets, few stories are suitable for more than a few.

Bunches? I'm tired.


sandra seamans said...

That's the tricky part, Stephen, finding just the right market. And 3 for 5 is pretty darn good!