Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thanks, Chuck!

Over at Terrible Minds, Chuck Wendig gives us 25 things we should know about storytelling. Here's number one:

"Outside the air we breathe and the blood in our bodies, the one thing that connects us modern humans today with the shamans and emperors and serfs and alien astronauts of our past is a heritage — a lineage — of stories. Stories move the world at the same time they explain our place in it. They help us understand ourselves and those near to us. Never treat a story as a shallow, wan little thing. A good story is as powerful as the bullet fired from an assassin’s gun."

For the other 24 go here


David Cranmer said...

A very good post.

sandra seamans said...

That's what I thought, too! I was mentally checking off everything against the story I wrote for the WGI hoping I'd done okay.

Unknown said...


Thanks for posting this, Sandra! Very informative... this is going to come in very valuable in my "journey" through flash fiction writing. wishing I had read this a couple of months ago..

Oh... your comment reminds me... when will WGI be posted? I can't wait to read everyone's stories.


sandra seamans said...

Chuck's blog is filled with great essays about writing, Veronica. When you have the time, take a stroll through his archives.

The winning stories will probably be posted on June 19. That's when the winners are supposed to be announced. If I remember correctly, only the winner's stories are posted, not all of them. But I could be wrong.