Friday, January 15, 2010


Charles Tan has an excellent essay up over at BSC about the time it takes to see an anthology come together.

And over at Bookgasm, Allan Mott has a humorous look at how to become a published author.

Jason Sanford has a call out for genre judges for his storySouth Million Writers Award. You can find the details at For all you editors, writers and readers out there you should seriously consider posting links to this award once its up and running at the end of January. More than just an award process, this competition provides links to stories and zines all over the web. Editors can nominate three stories and everyone else can nominate one (their own or a story they admire). It's a great way to support the zines and your fellow writers. I'll post a link to the rules once everything's up.


Anonymous said...

Brenton Tomlinson has been describing the selection process for a horror anthology that he's editing, over at Musings of an Aussie Writer ( takes you to the labelled posts).

He had to read over a million words of submissions. Epic.

Charles Gramlich said...

Good links.

Paul D Brazill said...

good stuff. Reminded me of this

sandra seamans said...

Thanks for the links, gentlemen!