Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Around the Blogs

Jeff Vandermeer has an excellent essay up over at BookLife about things to consider before submitting your short story.

I'm a daily reader of the Do Some Damage blog and today's entry by John McFetridge is one of the reasons why you'll find me there. John takes a look at finding the truth and sentimentality in crime fiction.

Sandra Ruttan pointed me in the direction of the excellent blog, Mysterious Matters. I've put a link to the left and expect this will be a regular stop for me. Scroll down the pages and you'll find some excellent essays about all things Mystery.

Oline Cogdill had an interesting essay about transcending over at Mystery Scene Magazine's blog. But Brian Lindermuth puts the whole transcending thing into perspective with his post Seems nobody's ever been comfortable wearing mystery's shoes.

Yesterday I posted about the all female issue of Realms of Fantasy and today all the women who were complaining about being ignored are now complaining that they're being pandered too. Is no one ever happy? I'm not linking to the complaints, its not worth the effort. But this gnashing of teeth makes me wish that stories were considered without thoughts to gender, race, or any other damn thing. The only thing that should matter first and foremost is THE STORY!


James Montgomery Jackson said...

Amen to "The only thing that should matter first and foremost is THE STORY!"

More and more we are a hyphenated society, yet we are all in this together. Let's go for the best no matter from whom or where it originates.

Paul D Brazill said...

Yeah, I'm a big fan of Do Some Damage too. They're a knockabout bunch, for sure!

sandra seamans said...

Welcome to the Corner, James! All this talk of equal number of gender/race/whatever stories drives me crazy. If the best stories were published, that should be good enough.

There's always something interesting over at Do Some Damage, Paul, that's for sure.

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm just shaking my head at the catering/pandering thing. The world is psycho.

sandra seamans said...

And sometimes beyond, Charles! Sometimes I think its more about being able to complain about something than the something itself. It's a weird and crazy world out there.