Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Links

Over at The Kill Zone blog, James Scott Bell has an excellent essay entitled "Will Arrogance Get You Published?" He makes some excellent points about the difference between confidence in what you do and the air of arrogance that won't get you anywhere.

In the markets section to the left you'll find a site called I was on the verge of deleting this link because there had been no new content added since last December. Checking in yesterday, I discovered that they're revamping the site and updating the available markets. Be sure to check out the site, maybe you'll find just the right spot for the new story you've written.

Over at Duotrope I always check out the new markets section. While some of the markets are new, others have been around a while. Such was the case with Nefarious Muse. Yesterday when I checked out their site, I discovered that there had been no new content since January and I thought dead market. Today there's a new story, so apparently they weren't receiving any new submissions. Shows what a little advertising does for a site. This is a non-paying blogzine looking for dark, violent stories. There's no word count constraints. You can check them out at

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