Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Serial - New Market

Serial is a new pulp magazine open for submissions in the genres of action, fantasy, horror, mystery, romance, and thriller.  Stories should be 500 to 10,000 words.  They will be doing serialized fiction for longer stories.  They will also take reprints.  There's no deadline listed but the first issue is due to go live on January 1, 2019.  Payment is $1.60 a page upfront plus royalties.  You can find the details here.


Manuel Royal said...

Thanks, Sandra! Sounds unlikely to bring in much money, but that depends on how many issues they sell.

When it comes to the long works they want to serialized, I can understand them wanting to have detailed outlines ahead of time; don't know if I could work that way.

sandra seamans said...

Everyone has their own way of working, Manuel. And you're right, it's not a lot of money.

Manuel Royal said...

Yeah, some writers outline a novel down to every scene in every chapter. I admire that, but don't think it would work for me.