Sunday, April 17, 2011

Anthology Calls

A second anthology call from Brian J. Hatcher is called "Stories from the Hearth: Heartwarming Tales of Appalachia" to be published by Woodland Press. Mr. Hatcher is seeking stories set in the Appalachia region up to 2000 words. There is a May 31 deadline, payment is 5cents a word. You can find all the details at

Pink Narcissus Press has three anthology calls. This is a royalty paying market. The working titles are: Slashfest, A Stranger Comes to Town, and WTF?. Closing dates and word counts vary with each anthology. You can find all the details at

Rymfire eBooks is looking for horror stories for a variety of anthologies. The word count is 2500-7500, and pay is $3 per story plus royalties. They're also looking for novellas of 25,000 to 65,000 words. The pay for these is $25 plus royalties. May 15 is the deadline for "Extreme Undead: Undead of Winter". They also have a series called "State of Horror". The current call is for stories set in Georgia with a May 31 deadline. Other states are Massachusetts, California Nevada and North Carolina, opening and closing dates are listed here

This last call, Digital Science Fiction, bills itself as a monthly anthology series. They're looking for sci-fi stories of 3500 to 7500 words and the pay is 5cents a word. They use Submishmash for their submission process. You can find the details at


Charles Gramlich said...

Thanks for all the heads ups.

sandra seamans said...

You're welcome, Charles!