Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Short Story Goodness

I drop by the Bookfox blog about once a week. There's always something new and interesting on the site. This week I discovered that it's Short Story Month. and from this site I dropped over to the Emerging Writers site which has everything connected to short stories at the click of your mouse. Now, grant you, its mostly literary, but everything is a learning experience.

Over at Craig McDonald's blog I read a very interesting interview with short story writer Laurie Lynn Drummond.

And speaking of interviews, Duotrope has a new feature on their site. They're doing interviews with the editors of the different publications on their site. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page you'll find links to the interviews and the zines. I find it helpful to know what an editor's likes and dislikes are.

When we're writing, everything comes down to voice. Writers are always told to find their voice but no one seems to be able to explain where and how to get that elusive voice. Nathan Bransford has some tips on his blog that are worth a look.

I also ran across a non-paying print market called Midnight Screaming that might be of interest to some of you. They're starting their second year of publication and they're looking for shorts up to 3000 words, flash under 1000 and poetry. They want creepy horror stories and they're actually looking for hit man and serial killer stories that the mystery zines are getting tired of. You can find the details at


BV Lawson said...

Just a note that I had a story accepted for "Midnight Screaming" awhile back, and although it's not a paying market (they do provide a free copy), the editor, Kara Ferguson, was great to work with.

sandra seamans said...

Thanks, BV! It's always good to hear from someone who's been published in a market.

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm always fascinated by posts on "voice." Such a concept.

sandra seamans said...

Yes, everyone is an individual and you'd think we'd all have our own voice, wouldn't you? Maybe in trying to get published too many writers try to imitate those that have been published thus ignoring their own voice.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Thanks for the tip about Duotrope. I am about to get back into writing short stories and that's a great place to look.

sandra seamans said...

Duotrope has been revamping their site, Patti. You can now look for markets not only by the genre but by the subgenre your story might fit into. It really narrows the field and eaves a lot less places to look.

sandra seamans said...

leaves not eaves. Need more coffee!

pattinase (abbott) said...

If I corrected all my typos on blogs, I'd be here all dauy. No, that wasn't on purpose.