Sunday, May 23, 2010

How's Your Little Hobby, Honey?

Beginning writers, struggling writers, even those-who-have-made-it writers will catch a glimpse of themselves in Allison Brennan's post over at Murderati today.

Sometimes I think only another writer can understand the desire to put words on paper. Only another writer can understand that writing is time consuming. Only another writer can feel the way you do when you sit down and start spinning a story. The fears and doubts about finding a publisher or wondering if you are good enough are damn near crippling at times, but when your family just shrugs off what you do...that can hurt.


David Cranmer said...

The family, I've found, never gets it. I'm fortunate to have two sisters that care but the rest assumes I have a stamp collection.

(Not that there's anything wrong with a stamp collection)

sandra seamans said...

I think most families could understand stamp collecting. I've found that when you tell people you write, they first want to know what book, then how much you made, and then their idea for a book. When I tell them I write short stories, I get this weird sounding "oh?" and a glance that makes me feel like I've grown an extra nose on my face. :)