Saturday, November 7, 2009

Post Musing Links

Thanks to everyone who listened to my musings about being a writer yesterday. Sometimes writing down your fears helps you work through them, at least for me, and your comments were an added bonus in the working through process. And just to say thank you, here's a bunch of links that might help you work through whatever's nagging at your writing keyboard.

From Frank Loose we have a link to Pulp Serenade where Cullen Gallagher has posted some writing wisdom from Charles Willeford.

From Paul Brazill there's a link to a list of submission calls from "Full of Crow" the flag ship for a group of zines that are working towards print publication.

At Storytellers Unplugged there's an essay by Alan Russell entitled "When I Wish I Wasn't a Writer" Good for your daily chuckle requirements.

Over on Michael Bracken's blog I asked him how to query a short story. His response, with examples, is more than generous and well worth a read for those who aren't sure how to query short stories to editors. You'll find his response in the comments of the post entitled 27.

Brian Lindenmuth has a fun post entitled "Mat Johnson's Writing Advice by Way of Gordon Ramsay"

Fried Chicken and Coffee is a zine I visit periodically. Today's visit found a post about Larry Brown The gold in that post is the links most especially to Darnell Arnoult's Dancing with the Gorilla blog where's he's in the process of posting an eight part series entitled "A Writer's Apprenticeship: Larry Brown". The first two parts are already up.

And for a final look at rejection you might try this humorous flash piece by Angela Barton over at Apollo's Lyre entitled "The Five Stages of Facebook Rejection"


Conda Douglas said...

I always enjoy reading about other writer's neuroses, Sandra!

And another thanks for all your postings of markets. My short story HEAD STANDS is published today in Everyday Weirdness, thanks to your incredible abilities!

sandra seamans said...

Happy Snoopy Dancing, Conda!! And I, too, love reading about other writers, how they work, and what scares them. It's reassuring to know that while we all work differently, we still face the same problems.