Friday, November 15, 2013

SpeckLit - Call for Submissions

I've seen this new market listed in several places but their guidelines have me puzzled.  They are seeking drabbles - that's a story told in exactly 100 words and they're paying 5cents a word.  You can send up to ten drabbles at a time - which gives you room to write a continuing story with them if you so desire (my idea, not their's).  But...and this is the puzzling part.  They want to get to you the writer first.  Yep, you have to send them your name, your social media links, and a link to your most current work online.  I can't help but wonder how they know you'll be able to write a drabble by reading your other work or if they're just looking to see how much you'll promote the site.  Anyhoo, here's the link to the guidelines.


Alex F. Fayle said...

Hi there!

Thanks for mentioning us. As for why we ask to get to know the authors before submitting anything? Just that. We want to make a connection with writers. It's not about marketing or self promoting oneself, it's literally getting to know who our community is. Nothing more.

Again thanks for letting your readers know about us!

sandra seamans said...

Welcome to the Corner Mr. Fayle, and thanks for the information!