Friday, August 27, 2010


I found an interesting novella call over at Wicked East Press. They're looking for novella collections by more than one author, no single author collections, with a central theme. They're open to novella submissions from September 1 to December 31 and they're expecting to publish two or three a year. This is a paying gig, but the pay will be negotiated with the submitting authors.

They also have 7 anthology calls listed on the site, but they only pay 1 copy to the authors and two of the calls are 4 the luv flash anthologies.


David Cranmer said...

I have a western novella featuring Cash Laramie almost ready to go. I wonder if they would be interested.

sandra seamans said...

Could be, their anthologies cover several genres, including pirates. But remember you need at least two different authors for the collection. They need, if I remember right, 40,000 to 80,000 words total.