Thursday, May 14, 2009

Essays and a Contest

I slipped onto this site called Editors Unleashed this morning to read an essay about flash fiction and discovered that they're sponsoring a flash contest. Stories up to 1000 words and posted to their forum for reading and voting. Grand prize is $500 and the top forty stories will be published in an anthology. You can find the rules and submission dates here

I love essays that drop the light bulb effect into my mind. Over at Criminal Brief today is an essay, "In the Old Days", by Louis Willis. Basically its a review of a book he read, "Pulp Fictioneers: Adventures in The Storytelling Business". My light bulb moment? The reason so many women used a male pen name back then.


pattinase (abbott) said...

Some nice hints because I am having so much trouble with the cake.
Nest time I write one first and make the topic fit my story!!!

sandra seamans said...

Yeah, that cake was a stumper. You have to figure out why there's a cake in the road and how it got there to even start the story. Of course you could put a stripper inside the cake or maybe its just there to stop traffic, perhaps a truck full of....?

I finished mine yesterday except for the polishing. And it's not a crime story, so I hope you won't be disappointed.